Caring for Aging Parents in the UK: The Growing Role of Family Carers and How RealSAM Can Help

In the UK today, an increasing number of people find themselves stepping into the role of primary caregiver for their ageing parents. According to Carers UK, the UK has an estimated 5.7 million unpaid carers, according to Carers UK. This includes 5 million unpaid carers in England and Wales, as well as data from the ONS Census for Northern Ireland and Scotland. As life expectancy rises and age-related health issues become more prevalent, the number of carers continues to grow.

Unpaid carers are people who support loved ones who experience issues that prevent the person from coping without support. This means people, the majority of whom are between the ages of 46-65, supporting their parents or children with no recognition or compensation. 

Accessible technology like the RealSAM phone is making this role easier by providing a tool that supports independence for people with sight loss, and peace of mind for their carers.

The Increasing Burden on Family Carers

The number of family carers in the UK is on the rise, and many of these carers are middle-aged or older themselves, balancing their own needs while looking after elderly parents. Data shows that 1 in 5 adults over the age of 50 are carers for a parent, and the responsibility can be overwhelming. From managing medication schedules and arranging doctor’s appointments to providing daily living assistance, carers often feel the strain.

One of the most challenging aspects for those caring for elderly parents with visual impairments is maintaining their loved ones’ safety and independence while also preventing feelings of isolation. Simple tasks like reading the mail, identifying medication, or even making a phone call can become difficult without assistance.

How RealSAM Can Lighten the Load

RealSAM is designed specifically to help people with sight loss regain their independence while providing valuable support for carers. Whether your parent struggles with reading small text, identifying household items, or keeping in touch with loved ones, RealSAM’s voice-operated features make life easier for everyone involved.

Here’s how RealSAM can help both carers and their parents:

  1. Voice-Controlled Operations: RealSAM is fully voice-activated, meaning your loved one can send texts, make calls, and even access information without needing to navigate a touchscreen. This means that caregivers don’t need to constantly be on hand to assist with basic tasks.
  2. Magnifier and Image Recognition: One of the standout features of RealSAM is its built-in magnifier and sight assistant tool. Carers no longer need to help with reading expiration dates, prescriptions, or even household items. With RealSAM, you can take a photo of any item, and the device will describe it or answer questions about it, providing vital information without external help.
  3. Emergency SOS Alerts: RealSAM offers a simple, life-saving feature for both carers and their loved ones. In case of an emergency, the device is programmed with one-touch SOS alerts that can notify emergency contacts and call for help immediately. This gives caregivers peace of mind, knowing that their loved one has quick access to help, even when they are not around.
  4. Pre-Programmed Contacts and Calls: Keeping in touch with family can become more difficult for those who are visually impaired, but RealSAM’s voice-activated dialling and pre-programmed emergency numbers make it simple. Carers can rest easy knowing their parent is just one voice command away from contacting help or loved ones.
  5. Stay Connected and Independent: Caring for an elderly parent often means worrying about their isolation and emotional well-being. RealSAM helps your loved one stay connected with friends and family, reducing loneliness and ensuring they remain socially active, which is crucial for their mental health.

The Balance Between Care and Independence

The role of family carers is invaluable, but it can also be overwhelming, especially when supporting a parent with visual impairments. RealSAM offers a solution that benefits both the carer and the parent. By giving your parents the tools to manage daily tasks independently, you can help reduce their dependence on you while maintaining their safety and well-being.

If you’re one of the millions of people caring for a parent in the UK, RealSAM can be an essential tool in helping you balance your caregiving duties with giving your loved one more autonomy.

Ready to Support Your Loved One?

RealSAM is more than just a phone; it’s a lifeline for those living with sight loss. It helps carers reduce their daily burden while ensuring their parents have the freedom and confidence to live independently.

Take a step in supporting your loved one’s independence—discover how RealSAM can make a difference today.