RealSAM developing prototype Alexa Skill for NLS

RealSAM Speaker is a Google Home Speaker with a subscription to RealSAM

A quick update on what our American sister company is up to. As you may remember, in October 2019 we were awarded a contract to turn a version of RealSAM Pocket into a prototype of a book reader for the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (NLS) – a division of the Library of Congress and the largest audio book library for print disabled people in the world.

In October 2020, we were awarded a contract from a competitive tender to build a prototype audiobook player for NLS for the Amazon Alexa and Google Home platforms.

The team, based in the US, Australia and Italy is now starting to deliver the prototypes. Exciting times for our US team.

Exciting times also for the RealSAM group in the UK as we may benefit from any cleverness and new thinking with future innovations for RealSAM Pocket and RealSAM Hub. This includes a focus on improving the interface as well as enhancements to our existing product.

Behind The Scenes

Meet Nick, the CEO of RealThing. Founded in Melbourne, Australia in 2008, Nick was inspired