Messages to Pocket Users

This article image is a picture of Roger and Margaret. They are standing side by side in front of a lovely brick house. It’s an overcast day and they are wearing coats and hats. They’re each holding onto their guide dogs who are sitting in front of them.

Meet Margaret, a RealSAM user since 2017

I’ve recently had the pleasure of talking with Margaret. She’s been a RealSAM Pocket user since its UK release sometime late 2017. It was exciting

image of a bookshelf of library books to depict audiobooks libraries

RNIB Talking Books

Have you ever found yourself settling down on a comfy sofa with a steaming cup of tea by your side, opening a good book and

Review of RealSAM Pocket

Buying a RealSAM product is often a family decision. Loved ones contact us seeking the best solution to help them to stay connected with their

Black and white image of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth smiling

Remembering Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth

As an Australian owned business, the RealThing Ai team joins with the nations of the UK and Australia, and the wider global community, in mourning