Parkinson’s Awareness Month

A white ribbon that symbolises Parkinson’s Awareness being held in the palms of a person wearing what looks like a white lab coat.

April is Parkison’s Awareness Month. According to Parkinson’s UK, it is the fastest growing neurological condition in the world and around 153,000 people in the UK are living with it today. With so many lives impacted, spreading awareness is vital to the effort of providing the best support and getting closer to finding a cure. 

What is Parkinson’s?

Parkinson’s is a progressive neurological condition that occurs when nerve cells in the brain do not produce enough dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter or chemical that plays a role in controlling many body functions like memory, mood, sleep, learning, concentration, and movement. Parkinson’s is known for being a movement disorder. Today researchers do not know what causes Parkinson’s but there are continuous efforts towards a cure. 

Who Is Affected by Parkinson’s

Although the exact cause for Parkinson’s is unknown, researchers think it is a combination of factors including age, genetics and environment. Advancing age is the biggest risk for developing Parkinsons. According to the NHS most start to develop symptoms when they are over 50 years old. However, there are also cases where younger people develop Parkinson’s. Data also shows that men are at slightly higher risk of developing Parkinson’s than women. 

What Are the Symptoms of Parkinson’s

All individuals experience health problems, physical conditions, and disabilities differently and this is the case for people with Parkinson’s. Additionally, as Parkinson’s progress, each person’s experience will change. 

Parkinson’s has many different symptoms. These could be categorised as motor symptoms that affect movement or non-motor symptoms that are related to other things besides movements. According to Parkinson’s UK the most common symptoms include: 

  1. tremor 
  2. stiffness 
  3. slowness of movement
  4. mild memory and thinking problems 
  5. sleep problems
  6. pain
  7. mental health problems. 

What Is It Like to Have Parkinson’s 

If you want to hear about someone’s experience, check out this YouTube video, “What’s it like to have Parkinson’s?” by Parkinson UK. 

Colin Cheesman delivered a speech at an event that was held in Royal Institute, London on 6 November 2013. He did an excellent job conveying what he was going through, his thankfulness towards research efforts, and his hope that we’re moving closer to finding a cure.

‘Just as Parkinson’s is relentless really, in its assault on those of us who are unlucky enough to have it, the progress to a complete understanding and ultimately a cure, is equally relentless.’ – Colins Cheesman, Parkinson’s UK Trustee 

Early Diagnosis Matters

One of the key messages of Parkinson’s Awareness Month is the importance of early diagnosis and access to appropriate treatment and support. Early intervention and management strategies can significantly improve quality of life for those living with the condition. The sooner you are diagnosed, the sooner you can receive available treatments. Be sure to tell your GP what you’re experiencing so that they can provide you with the care and resources you need. 

Get Involved

Throughout April, various events and initiatives take place to raise funds for Parkinson’s research, support services, and advocacy efforts. From sponsored walks and charity runs to educational seminars and fundraising campaigns, there are numerous ways for you to get involved and show your support for the Parkinson’s community. 

You can look up your local Parkinson’s charity to find out about events and see how you can get involved. You can also make a difference by supporting the carers and family of people with Parkinson’s.


NHS Overview/Parkinson’s Disease. Available at: 

(Accessed 22 April 2024)

Parkinson’s UK What is Parkinson’s?. Available at: 

(Accessed 22 April 2024). 

RealSAM Can Help 

If using a smartphone is difficult because of sight loss or other physical challenges you are experiencing, RealSAM may be a solution. RealSAM phones are simple and easy to use. There’s one big button to press, the ‘tap to talk’. You can press the ‘tap to talk’ button and use your voice to control your phone. 

With RealSAM, you can make calls without having to dial phone numbers and send text messages without needing to type them out. You can just press the ‘tap to talk’ and say something like, ‘Call Sarah.’ Or you can send a text by pressing the ‘tap to talk’ and saying, ‘Text Sarah, don’t forget to pick up the groceries.’ 

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Behind The Scenes

Meet Nick, the CEO of RealThing. Founded in Melbourne, Australia in 2008, Nick was inspired