A New Accessible Phone for the New Year

A brightly coloured ‘2024’. White text on the very center that says, ‘An Accessible New Phone for the New Year’ and below this, the RealSAM R logo. The background is dark navy with colourful fireworks.

2024 is here! Are you looking to try out new things this January? Along with new diets and exercise routines, why not try a new phone that could make this year more accessible.

If you or someone you know have a difficult time using regular smartphones because of vision problems, check out RealSAM. We offer mobile phones powered by voice—making it easier for visually impaired users to stay connected. 

How do you know you need something more accessible?

Are you having trouble using an iPhone or Android mobile phone? 

  1. Do you avoid making calls because you might mess up your phone? 
  2. Are you partially sighted, and it’s difficult to read small text and see apps? 
  3. Is it easier to just ask someone else to send messages for you? You find it too hard to type with the on-screen keyboard.  
  4. As someone who’s totally blind, do you struggle with your phone’s screen reader? 
  5. Do you get frustrated because you can’t remember the correct accessibility gestures? 

If these kinds of issues keep you from using your phone, it’s time to consider getting an accessible phone. 

RealSAM phones are designed to be accessible for users with sight loss  

With RealSAM phones, staying connected is the main priority. We’ve eliminated unnecessary apps and complex settings options. There’s no need to sift through things just to make a simple phone call. 

RealSAM phones are accessible, keeping things friendly to use for people who are blind or visually impaired. It’s simpler for someone experiencing vision problems to navigate the screen on a RealSAM phone. Our interface includes a minimalistic layout, high contrast colours, and large, bold texts. With these features it’s easier for partially sighted people to see everything.  

If you are severely sight impaired, you can use one gesture to open the main menu and have RealSAM tell you exactly what you’re selecting. Do everything else with voice commands. There’s one large ‘tap to talk’ button on the screen that will allow you to control your phone. Make calls, send and receive messages, manage contacts, get assistance and enjoy tons of content—just press the ‘tap to talk’ button and tell RealSAM what you’d like to do.


Learn more about RealSAM when you browse the following articles highlighting additional features: 

A Simple Phone Solution with ‘Tap to Talk’

Reading Books on the RealSAM Pocket 

Using Text Recognition on RealSAM Mobile Phones

Using the built-in RealSAM Magnifier