Pasties and Paralympics: Holiday Memories by Red Szell

Photograph of a Man on a bench with a phone

It’s been a couple of weeks since my last blog. That’s because I’ve been on holiday – and glued to my Pocket

As a family we’ve always preferred to go away within the UK and, having booked early last autumn, were lucky enough to have bagged a place in the Cornish town of Looe.

Having become so attached to my Pocket over the past months, it, of course, came with me, and I was almost as desperate as my teenage children to get hooked up to the holiday-home’s Wi-Fi so I could find out what would happen next in the Arrowood detective novel that I had been listening to on the train journey down. And once again found myself grateful that getting connected to a new Wi-fi network is so straightforward with Pocket.

By the time I’d finished unpacking, I had also finished the book, but I wasn’t bothered because, as I wrote a few weeks ago, I had done my homework and asked Pocket to ‘find books about Cornwall’. So, I was able to get started on The House on The Strand by Daphne du Maurier straightaway.

I was also keen to keep up to date with the latest news from The Paralympics, not least to find out how my friend Steve Bate and his tandem pilot Adam Duggleby, were getting on.

Pocket made that easy too, enabling me to tune into RNIB Connect Radio every morning and afternoon to catch the latest Paralympic bulletin on The Daily Connect show. And on the days when I was out, all I had to do was ask Pocket to find the podcast.

When I didn’t have my ears buried in a book (by now I had moved onto The Salt Path, written and narrated by Raynor Winn, which I can thoroughly recommend) I was eager to spend as much time as possible in the sea, either swimming or surfing.

Obviously my lack of sight meant that I needed someone to go with, not least to help me negotiate the precipitous cliff path down to the beach! And again, I found Pocket invaluable in telling me what the weather was going to be like each day, so that we could all make our plans accordingly and only get drenched by the sea!

My only regret is that I didn’t bring my Google Home device with me as well. If I had I might have been more help finding information about local restaurants and tourist attractions, not to mention looking up how to cook lemon sole and samphire properly. However, everyone had a great holiday, no one got food poisoning – and it just made us appreciate the local pasties even more!

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