Questions To Ask Yourself When Investing In A New Phone For The Visually Impaired

In today’s modern age, many people simply couldn’t get through the day without technology. Whether you’re texting someone, answering emails, checking the news or scrolling through social media, many take the ability to do so for granted. Unfortunately, for many people living with a visual impairment, using a mobile phone can be incredibly difficult and it can be hard to find a device that they can use independently.

If you’re searching for a mobile phone for a family member or friend who is blind or visually impaired, you might feel as though you don’t really know where to start when it comes to choosing the right device. For this reason, here at In Your Pocket, we have put together a list of questions you should ask yourself when investing in a mobile phone for someone blind or visually impaired. Hopefully, these questions will help make things a little easier.

Can the Phone for Visually Impaired easily call and text people?

This is one of the most important things to question, after all, it is what most people need a mobile phone for. No matter what mobile phone you are considering, make sure that the user can easily undertake the basics like calling and texting someone. Different phones will have different ways that these activities are made accessible, so contemplate the various options and choose one which is right for your needs.  A great question to ask is “how do I get new contacts into the device?”.  If you can’t enter them by using the accessible interface, like with In Your Pocket, then it’s not a good choice.

Is it easy to contact someone in an emergency with the Phone?

Emergency situations can be incredibly scary for anyone, and even more so if you have a visual impairment. It is essential that the user is able to get in touch with someone swiftly in an emergency situation. Lots of mobile phones for the blind or visually impaired will have an emergency/SOS button and these can be a lifeline, so ensure that the phone has one.

Does the Phone for Visually Impaired have all of the features needed?

The features that are essential in a mobile phone for the blind or visually impaired are probably very different from those you’d look for in a phone for yourself. So, make sure you’re considering the essential accessibility features for your family member or friend. Think about their independence and the features that will be able to aid them in this regard, such as sight assistance and voice control.

Is the voice activation reliable?

One feature that can make such a huge difference to someone visually impaired is voice control/activation and you want to ensure that if a device offers this, it actually works well. Whilst many standard smartphones have this feature, it is known for being unreliable and you want to ensure that the mobile phone you choose doesn’t let you down on this front.

 Can it comfortably be held in one hand?

 This is something else that probably doesn’t always cross your mind, but when choosing a mobile phone for the blind or visually impaired it can be essential. Often, people will have a guide dog or use a white stick to help them get around, and this can mean they aren’t able to use both hands at all times. Therefore, you need to ensure that the phone can be held and also used properly with just one hand.

Investing in a mobile phone for the blind or visually impaired

Ensuring that you have the answers you’re looking for to all of the questions above can help you make sure that you choose the right mobile phone for anyone blind or visually impaired. Having a good mobile phone really can make a huge difference to their life and it is essential that you choose the very best device available for them. So, take your time and consider all of your options.

When searching for a mobile phone for anyone blind or visually impaired, be sure to visit the In Your Pocket website today. You will find the perfect device that provides you with everything the majority of people are looking for in a mobile phone and more. You can trust that when you choose to invest in In Your Pocket, not only can your family member or friend easily stay in touch with people, but this is a mobile phone they are going to actually enjoy using.

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