Release Note 220307 – RealSAM Updates

In the next few days the RealSAM Speaker service will be updated with some minor improvements and a new minor capability.  Note the new minor capability is a change to the media player on both the speaker service and the handsets.  So every one will benefit.

The update consists of a number of small dialogue improvements, including  a focus on how RealSAM handles selecting titles with a  number in them, or what Pocket, Google and Alexa hear as numbers.  For example “I am Number Four” or “From here TO Eternity”.

The new minor capability is the ability to be able to send RealSAM to sleep at the end of the section you are reading, not just with a time limit.  Traditionally you would say something like “Go to sleep in 10 minutes”.  Now you can also say “Go to sleep at the end of the chapter” or “Go to sleep at the end of this part” if you were reading a book without chapters.

We hope you enjoy these improvements, brought to you by the Real Sam team, who are dedicated to improving the lives of people living with sight loss.

Behind The Scenes

Meet Nick, the CEO of RealThing. Founded in Melbourne, Australia in 2008, Nick was inspired