Release Note 220404 – RealSAM Hub Updates

In the next few days the RealSAM service will be updated with some minor improvements.  Note the bug is will be a change to the speaker service, not the handsets, so you may not notice anything.

The update consists of a number of small dialogue improvements and bug fixes, such as the way we handle adding books to a bookshelf.

We have also made some improvements to book searches that have been released.  During the search, you can now use the words “otherwise” or “alternative” to enlarge the scope of a search, as in the following examples.

If you weren’t sure who an author was, you could day something like “List Calibre books by Hemingway otherwise by Steinbeck”  Which will search for books by Hemingway and also books by Steinbeck.

If you weren’t sure what the title of a book was, you could day something like “List Calibre books with Title War alternative title Fury”.  Which will search for books with the words “War” and also books with the word “Fury” in their title.

We hope you enjoy this new feature, brought to you by the Real Sam team, who are dedicated to improving the lives of people living with sight loss.

Easter Opening Hours

Happy Easter Our UK office will close for the Easter Bank Holiday at 5:30pm on

World Glaucoma Week

10 – 16 March is World Glaucoma Week. This year’s theme is, ‘Uniting for Glaucoma-Free