World Sight Day: 8 October 2020

Image of a young girl having an eye test for World Sight Day

Today is #WorldSightDay.

Since 2017 we’ve worked in partnership with the RNIB and O2 to develop interactive voice assistance technology for Blind and Visually Impaired people in the UK.

Our original vision was to create an easy to use, portable device for people with sight loss to access audio libraries, news and stay in touch with their loved ones. Today we’re proud to be making a difference to our customers in reducing social isolation and making staying in touch with loved ones just that little bit easier.

Although times are tough for many right now, we’re committed to continuing to work with our partners to create accessibility through technology.  

Here’s some of the heart warming stories shared by our customers in recent months demonstrating how In Your Pocket has helped ensure there’s #HopeInSight for people with sight loss. #accessibletechnology #AI #voiceassistant


During the lock down I felt incredibly isolated. I had no interaction with other people for 12 weeks, apart from telephone calls.  I am a completely blind person and during this time I began to lose my confidence and suffered anxiety about leaving the house.

I find it really helpful when having the opportunity to talk with other visually impaired people, especially individuals with no vision at all like myself. It is good to speak with people who relate to how I really feel and also understand what it is like to have no vision. Due to losing my sight, lack of sleep and being home alone, I find having weekly social groups helps put some routine in my life, otherwise night and day time can get distorted and I am not sure if it is either. Loss of physical contact has been hard as a completely blind person, I am used to a hug or someone holding my arm, I am a really social and an outgoing person, all this stopped abruptly when lock down started.

Taking part in Zoom groups has boosted my confidence and I’m also using my brain in the group activities. I am also learning how other people are coping in a similar situation, which I find helpful. My family have said that they have noticed a huge difference in me since I joined the zoom groups. I have also connected with old friends which has been really nice. I use a voice activated In-Your-Pocket phone which is specially designed for people with sight impairment. Around the same time the Zoom groups started In-Your-Pocket offered the zoom option on their phones which I am so grateful for as it has changed my life. 

Mrs C, Cumbria


I’m not really very techy so want something that is really straightforward. It’s so easy to be able to press one button and talk to find a feature instead of trying to work down an on screen menu with no sight. During lockdown I’ve used Zoom on In Your Pocket a lot. It’s been revolutionary to join social groups online and met new friends! People can get frightened by technology but because this is fairly simple, I think it’s easy for older people to get used to.

Margaret, Peterborough


The simplicity means you can focus on enjoying the entertainment, not worrying about how to use the technology. You can search for books and news in a way that no other device currently does for a blind person.

Roger, Peterborough

Behind The Scenes

Meet Nick, the CEO of RealThing. Founded in Melbourne, Australia in 2008, Nick was inspired